If you are trying to find good tool WCF service testing . Here is free tool available which come with your Visual studio.
You can find this in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE depend on version of your VS. I have 2013 so its in 12.0 folder
File Name is WCF Test client .
This is very handy tool to test your WCF services
You can find this in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE depend on version of your VS. I have 2013 so its in 12.0 folder
File Name is WCF Test client .
This is very handy tool to test your WCF services
- You can right click on root and say "Add Service" and give url of WSDL.
- Now Select method which you want to invoke
- Fill the parameters and Click on Invoke.
- This will return you are output in below window.
The only issue which I can see as of now is this does not support asynchronous operations contracts.