Wednesday, November 26, 2014

WCF Service Testing Tool

If you are trying to find good tool WCF service testing . Here is free tool available which come with your Visual studio.

You can find this in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE depend on version of your VS. I have 2013 so its in 12.0 folder

File Name is WCF Test client .

This is very handy tool to test your WCF services

  1. You can right click on root and say "Add Service" and give url of WSDL. 
  2. Now Select method which you want to invoke 
  3. Fill the parameters and Click on Invoke.
  4. This will return you are output in below window.

The only issue which I can see as of now is this does not support asynchronous operations contracts.

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